Dear ASDP Board

Core Conference Classes

Core Classes ~ October 24-27, 2024

Elevate Your Skills at the 29th Annual ASDP Educational Conference! Immerse yourself in a captivating lineup of classes led by industry experts during the Core Conference in Portland, Oregon. From October 24-27, 2024, you'll embark on an enriching journey where you can choose from a diverse array of sewing and design sessions tailored to your interests and goals.

Complete class listings can be found below, or you can use the links to navigate to a specific day. We encourage attendees to plan for the full Core Conference experience, which includes access to class selections on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. However, a limited number of single-day tickets will be available for those with specific scheduling needs or interests.

Friday     Saturday     Sunday

With an exceptional range of options available each day, you'll have the opportunity to personalize your conference experience based on your unique aspirations. Our meticulously curated class schedule offers a diverse range of topics, techniques, and skill levels, catering to both seasoned professionals and those embarking on their sewing and design journey.

Explore full-day intensives that allow for an in-depth exploration of a particular subject, or delve into half-day sessions that offer focused instruction on specific techniques. Please note that none of the classes repeat, ensuring a fresh and engaging experience throughout the conference.

Whether you're seeking to refine your craft, gain insights into business practices, or ignite your creative spark, the ASDP Educational Conference promises to be a transformative experience. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you soar to new heights in the world of sewing and design.

To assist those interested in applying for certification, we have marked specific classes with the MSDP and MAS logos in the class listings. These classes have been evaluated and recognized by the MSDP Board as valuable education that contributes towards the certification process.

Friday ~ October 25, 2024

Sew you want to start a home based business 

Presenter: Brenda Breitenmoser

Full Day - Lecture only
Difficulty: Beginner

Kit Fee: $20
Kit Includes: Working book including sample contracts, pricing formula, client consultation and much more


During the class we will discuss the pros and cons of a home base business. What are your demographics, community expectations, what type of sewing is needed in your area, what do you like to do, your plans for the future; how to set up a business plan. Financing the business, pricing your work for both bridal and leisure wear. This will be an opportunity to share information on what resources you use for both education and suppliers.

Brenda has prepared a business cost calculation sheet that will need to be completed before class. This worksheet will help you see how much your hourly rate should be. Working together using the workbook prepared for the class we will discuss pricing, insurance, contracts, and ways to add to your profit margin, Pros and cons to a home base business, and how to expand your business during the off season.

Supplies Needed: calculator, pencil and eraser.

Fibers & Fabrics...the Facts and the Fun

Presenter: Dianne Denholm

Full Day - Lecture only
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


Still confused if rayon is a synthetic or natural? Trying to figure out how to be sustainable with global warming and the abuses of the garment & textile industry? Never took Textiles 101 in college? Even with a degree in Textiles, there is so much to learn about the Consumer market that they don’t teach in college. This is both a review and a modern discussion of the fabric industry and the fibers we love and love to hate! People who sew know fabrics better than anybody but there is always more to learn. From Nature to Yarn to Cloth there is so much to know about fibers and fabrics that will intrigue and amaze you even more.

Get the training you would need to work in a fabric store from a pro who understands how the industry works. Learn inside information, view vendor color cards and touch/see garment samples of just about every basic fabric you will ever encounter. We will explore Dianne's extensive collection from years of buying fabrics from all over the world…surface textures, knits & weaves. We may also have time to burn a fiber or two to witness identification. Learn both the allure and the quirks of the 12 most popular fibers we all live with. Become a pro about high quality criteria, moisture & dyes, drape, hand, twist, grain line, pilling, static, washability & wearability...the lingo of successful garment, wardrobe, sewing & fiber art projects. Environmental impacts will also be discussed. Past students have said this class changed their life!

Fibers and fabrics are pure art to this buyer & curator of the world's most fabulous mills and designers. Learn college level information through the consumer lens. Two garment racks of garments from the last decades will be shown and discussed. Bring your questions for welcome discussion. Get the facts, begin the fun.

Supplies Needed: Notes Journal for lots of information, minimal handouts provided.

Social Media? No Problem! Leveraging This Platform to Strengthen Your Business

Presenter: Kelly Hogaboom

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


I have grown my brand - about 6,000 followers at the time of this writing - without spending a dime on advertisement or direct mail. How did I do it? Social media, email marketing - and blogging! (Yes, remember blogging? I'm sure you do!)

In my time running my business and helping other Creative businesses thrive via my course and my mentorship, I have helped dozens of businesses take a careful audit of their personal strengths and the social media platforms available - so they can make a decision how to best proceed.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Mastodon, Tik Tok - it can get overwhelming, fast! But I promise: there's no need to be intimidated. I am convinced *every* business can benefit, grow, and strengthen by using these powerful tools of connection. If your sales are low - I can help you get clients. If you've already got enough customers - I can help you springboard into more power in those relationships (as well as find you new, incredible clientele). Social media isn't about ads or spending hours there a day - it's about finding power, and freedom - through free, popular and easy-to-use platforms!

My job is not only to teach you about social media - it's to help you love it. Does this seem like a tall order in a half-day workshop? Well - come try me! I can't wait to turn social media into one of your favorite parts of running your business!

Supplies Needed: None

Andragogy for Dummies! How to Teach Adults

Presenters: Lalon Alexander & Theresa Alexander

Half Day - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Handouts


You’re no dummy. But what the heck is this andragogy? Basically, it’s the study of how to teach adults. Do you teach a sewing or fashion course? Do you hope to teach in the future? Do you have or want to have apprentices? Well, this class is made just for you!

In this class, we will discuss how teaching adults is different from teaching kids, how to identify effective learning objectives, assessments, and classroom environments to nurture the budding fashionista. Learn from the Alexander sisters’ multi-decade experience and training in education. This course is appropriate for formal teachers, informal teachers, and wannabe teachers alike!

Supplies Needed: Please bring any supplies you need for note-taking.

The Why, the How, & the Joy of Couture Sewing

Presenter: Clara Kazemian-Dittli

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


  • Why invest the time, money, and effort to make a couture garment?
  • Why measurements are so important and how to take them. Each student will walk out with an accurate set of their own measurements. Students should wear/bring well fitting bra, camisole and slim leggings (optional) to ensure exact measurements.
  • Importance of creating a muslin and transferring adjustments back to the paper pattern.
  • Order of construction and importance of pressing throughout the process.
  • Final Product: Satisfaction of a job well done, and a garment your client treasures.
  • Tips on how to apply to a top fashion school.

Supplies Needed: Measuring tape, One inch Grosgrain ribbon( long enough to go around your waistline.

Learn the art of capturing + video editing

Presenter: Sarah Ward

Half Day PM - Lecture/demo with show and tell

Kit Fee: $0


Confused and overwhelmed about making videos? Feel like the world has left you behind? We’re going to demystify video capturing and editing! In today’s market, videos play a critical role from growing an audience on social media, promoting a new product, creating a tutorial, or even a class series on your website…the uses are endless! Come discover how to create and share your own videos. We’ll start with the fundamentals of capturing footage and then show how to put together a basic video. We’ll go over software options from free (but powerful) to the incredible Final Cut Pro (get a sneak peak!).

From there, we’ll expand into the art of video editing so you can get across your intended emotion and story. To name a few, we’ll talk about layering, using keyframes, plugins, transitions, movements, audio edits and sources, time lapses, speed ramps, etc. You’ll walk away with the ability to edit videos to support your business endeavors.

Supplies Needed: Note taking materials.

Strategies and Solutions for Working with Diverse Clients

Presenters: Kelly Hogaboom, Barbie McCormick, Kevin Gervais

Half Day PM - Panel
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


This event will bring together experts in the sewing industry to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by body diversity and share practical strategies for sewing professionals to better understand and serve clients of all body types.

Our panelists will draw on their experience working with diverse bodies, from those with disabilities or unique body shapes to those from marginalized communities who may face additional challenges in accessing sewing services. We will explore the various barriers that clients may face, including limited access to materials and patterns that accommodate diverse bodies, and how professionals can work to overcome these barriers.

Throughout the discussion, our panelists will provide practical guidance on how to work with clients to create garments that fit comfortably and work for any body type. This will include a focus on understanding your client's unique body shape, making adjustments to patterns, and selecting fabrics that work well with different body types.

We will also delve into the importance of inclusivity in sewing and design, and how we can work to create a more welcoming and accessible sewing community. Our panelists will explore the role of sewing professionals in creating a more diverse and inclusive industry, and provide insights into how we can all work to be more welcoming to clients of all backgrounds and abilities.

Whether you are a seasoned sewing professional or just starting out in the industry, this panel discussion is an excellent opportunity to learn from experts in the field and gain practical skills and strategies for working with diverse clients. We look forward to a lively and informative discussion on this important topic!

Supplies Needed: None

Transform your (or your client’s) Sloper into a Custom Dressform

Presenter: Mary Funt

Half Day PM - Demonstration only
Difficulty: Advanced

Kit Fee: $0


In this class you will learn how to make adjustments to a well-fitting sloper into a moulage, or mold of the body. Additional seamlines and adjustments will then be added to create a cover for your custom dressform. The additional seaming refines the contours of the bust and hip areas. I will demonstrate my method for padding the dressform to replicate the desired body shape.

Class participants will be invited to try their hand at the padding process. I’ll explain my methods for achieving the desired bust shape, body contours as well as fine tuning the body proportions onto a standard dressform. Very sloped shoulders are difficult since you can’t cut down the shoulders of most dressforms. I’ll share my techniques for replicating this shoulder.

The demonstration will include how to sew and install the cover onto the dressform. Finally, balance lines will be added to the form. You will receive a pdf document as a reference for reviewing the material presented.

I have been teaching classes on how to create a custom form for many years. Students who follow the process are rewarded with a dressform that matches their shape. Through an understanding of the drafting process, you will have the knowledge to make adjustments if their weight changes.

Supplies Needed: Note taking supplies.

Saturday ~ October 21, 2023

Taking Flight with Feathers

Presenter: Ellen W Miller

Full Day - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: Beginner

Kit Fee: $99
Kit Includes: Over 20 different kinds of feather, including Rooster, Duck, Turkey, Goose Ostrich and Peacock feathers. Needle puller pad, buckram, cowgirl/boy hat to embellish.


Feathers: a single, quivering wisp, a hint of whimsy or waves of color and texture. From goose to peacock, feathers add an exotic touch to any garment. There are many different kinds of feathers as each bird has several different kinds of feathers. Additionally, many feathers are dyed and shaped, creating even more choices for the designer. Whether altered or in their natural state, feathers add movement, elegance and sophistication.

After examining the more than 20 feathers in your kit, discovering how they behave and learning how to tell them apart, we’ll spend the beginning of this full-day workshop exploring how to manipulate them by shaping, trimming, curling, burning-out, and sewing. From there we’ll embark on two projects. First we’ll ornament a sleeve with feathers or a boa. Then, in keeping with the spirit of Denver and the wild West, each participant will embellish a cowgirl hat with feathers, ribbon and other trims.

Supplies Needed: 

Hand Sewing supplies: needles, strong (not fabric) scissors, thimble. A large decorative button or cabochon, some beads or some trim to add to your cowgirl/boy hat.

Design Bootcamp: Basic Training

Presenters: Lalon Alexander & Theresa Alexander

Full Day - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Handouts


Great designers are born, not made, right? Nope. Learn how to break down designing for anyone who is interested! In this class, we will warm up by learning how to analyze existing designs through the elements and principles of design. Then we discuss the design process to evaluate the target customer and trends. Finally, we will learn new tools to generate and sketch loads of designs. Be ready to work your brain. Now drop and give me 50 (designs)!

This is a general design class rather than one targeted to custom figures. Meaning, we talk about how design works using the elements and principles of design, how to generate ideas, and how to think about target customers. However, we do not cover how to flatter specific figure types, identify individual color schemes, etc. This course focuses on the process of design.

Supplies Needed: Please bring paper and pencil or a tablet with a drawing app for quick sketches and notes.

Couture Ironwork: How to create shape with the iron

Presenter: Mary Funt

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: Intermediate

Kit Fee: $10
Kit Includes: Handouts


Ironwork is the art of transforming a flat two-dimensional piece of cloth into a three dimensional shape to better fit the body. It is a hidden secret behind the superb fit of many couture garments. Ironwork allows shaping not possible without adding darts and seams, which may be undesirable. By understanding the techniques, you will be able to add this couture touch to your work.

In this class, we will experiment with various fabrics to determine how to shrink and stretch garment sections using heat and steam. You will practice shaping sleeves, collars, lapels, waistbands plus numerous garment sections. We will see how a flat piece of cloth can be molded to better fit the body.

I will demonstrate the technique of shaping princess seams so that the horizontal pattern of the cloth remains an unbroken line. Waistbands fit better, sleeves will follow the natural contour of the arm, collars will hug the neck and more. Bring the iron and ironing board from your room to work along using fabrics provided in your sample pack. You will work with a professional quality tailoring muslin as well as wool and boucle fabrics.

Supplies Needed: Note taking materials.

The Student Funnel

Presenter: Erin Retelle

Half Day AM - Lecture only
Difficulty: Intermediate

Kit Fee: $5.15
Kit Includes: here


The Student Funnel: designing a curriculum for student and teacher satisfaction

Sewing expertise is only the tiniest piece of the teaching puzzle. Here we’ll discuss how to structure sewing classes/lessons, so teacher and student maximize learning and minimize frustration. I’ll share the methods I use to organize classes, figure out how long projects are going to take, and determine what to charge. We’ll explore constraints like space, schedule, and supplies. I’ll share how I go about getting information about sewing goals, learning style, and mindset from someone who doesn’t yet possess the vocabulary to tell me, and how to build a clear path student and teacher can follow to a fun and rewarding sewing future.

Supplies Needed: Note taking materials.

Textiles: Their Structure and Why They Perform the Way They Do

Presenter: Catherine Stephenson

Half Day AM - Lecture only
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


This half day class is designed for the sewing professional who wants a more in depth understanding of fabrics. The class will be presented using a powerpoint presentation and cover the various origins and types of natural and synthetic fibers, how they are made, and their performance properties. Next we cover the various weave types that these fibers are made into, their qualities and how they perform in clothing. Followed by the various knit structures, their qualities and performance capabilities.

Throughout the lecture, relevant samples of a wide variety of fabrics will be passed around for a hands on identification of the various textiles. Class handouts will provide additional information on fiber and fabric qualities along with a list of the various fabrics commonly available today and what categories they fall into. The goal of the class is to acquire a deeper understanding of different fabrics and help you make more informed decisions on your fabric selections.

The class will finish up with a discussion of the new Eco-friendly fibers and fabrics in the market and a discussion of the sustainability of fibers in use today.

Supplies Needed: Notetaking paper, phone camera if wanted.

Professional Buttonholes

Presenter: Mary Funt

Half Day PM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: Intermediate

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Handouts


A beautiful hand-worked buttonhole is a sign of top quality finishing. Well-made ones enhance a garment but poorly done buttonholes can absolutely ruin the look. Many sewists avoid buttonholes altogether as they are unsure of producing good results. Achieving professional level buttonholes does take practice but is much, much easier if you use the right tools and techniques.

In this class, we’ll explore the necessary threads and equipment for success. The use of buttonhole gimp ensures the stitches have a smooth, even surface to rest upon. Silk buttonhole twist is available in various thicknesses. We’ll learn how to choose the best weight of thread for your fabric. I will share tricks I’ve devised for working buttonholes in loosely woven boucle fabrics. An added bonus will be a demo of my goof-proof method for making bound buttonholes which works even on slippery or loosely woven fabrics.

You will be provided with a sample pack containing various fabrics, silk buttonhole twist, needles, buttonhole gimp and beeswax. After a demonstration of how to mark, cut and stitch the buttonhole, you will have an opportunity to practice several on your own. We’ll learn the correct way to make a buttonhole stitch (there are loads of on-line videos; some correct and others downright wrong), plus how to finish off your work.

No sewing machine is required. Please bring scissors and a thimble (if you use one). Good reading glasses or a magnifying lens on a stand are helpful if your near vision needs a little help.

Supplies Needed: General Sewing Supplies

Worth Every Penny! How to Determine Your Hourly SHOP Rate

Presenter: Barbie McCormick

Half Day - Lecture/ demo, with optional hands-on.
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Printed handouts, worksheets, with instructions and tips.


Worth Every Penny! Learn to determine your shop rate! In our industry, it is all too common for us to charge an adequate WAGE, but forget to calculate overhead! And we ALL have overhead! This class will discuss all of the numbers that need to be included, plus how to break it down into an ACCURATE hourly overhead to come up with your own shop rate! Pep talk and discussion on pricing, skills, availability, and knowledge. Basic worksheets will be provided, and students may bring a laptop or spreadsheets to plug in their numbers during class.

Supplies Needed: Note taking supplies. Laptop, business numbers (optional).

Color Expertise for Better Sales & Success

Presenter: Dianne Denholm

Half Day PM - Lecture/demo with show and tell
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


Color is magic! Add Color expertise to your skills to offer your current clients and better yet, to gain new ones! There is so much to learn and understand how color magic works in fabrics and textures, added accessories, even the detail of picking thread colors for embroidery or top stitching! Color works very differently for each one of us but, as a professional, you can learn to advise others how best to succeed with shopping for fabrics and putting combinations together. Most of us who sew love color but sometimes we get confused how to choose it or use it. Be a hero to those who need your advice by giving them knowledgeable suggestions that save them money and prevent frustrating mistakes. The end result is a happier client who buys more.

You will learn how Colors are heaped with psychologies and messages deeply seeded in our life experience, social cultures, climate AND the personal coloring we were born with. We will explore the Color philosophies of Pantone Director Leatrice Eiseman (of Color of the Year fame) alongside Colorado’s own Color Profiles System of international acclaim. See and experience the Munsell Color system portrayed as a library of over 2,500 fabric swatches in 500 runs of color tones and values.

This is not your usual color theory class of color wheels and paint swatches. Dianne's long career experience as a Fabric Buyer and Retailer of textiles from all over the world, combined with Certification from two advanced Color Retreats conducted by Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of Pantone Color Institute brings a unique and rare opportunity to understand color in wardrobes, branding and increased sales. Bring your questions and utilize this most unique discussion to understand the magic of Color and how it can increase your business.

Supplies Needed: Notes Journal for lots of information.

Sunday ~ October 22, 2023

Illustration for Better Communication

Presenters: Lalon Alexander & Theresa Alexander

Full Day - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Handouts


Ever have trouble talking to clients or manufacturers about your designs? Not sure how to express that a dress should be “this full” and be “that long” without using your hands? Or maybe you just need help taking your skills to the next level. Well, good news! We are here to get you past your illustration roadblocks.

Whether absolute novice illustrator or advanced artist, we’ve got you covered. We can help you find the best way to draw your designs in a way that you feel comfortable. We will introduce you to drawing on croquis figures, photos of your client, and briefly to the concept of developing your own figures. Most of the workshop will be spent on how to draw what the client or manufacturer needs to see and how to communicate visually without any art training. Additionally, you’re welcome to draw with pencil and paper OR digitally on a tablet, whichever you prefer.

Supplies Needed: Please bring paper and pencil or a tablet with a drawing app for drawing practice during class. Also bring a ruler and a photo of someone you want to draw on.

Couture Methods of Sewing Lace

Presenter: Mary Funt

Full Day - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: Advanced

Kit Fee: $25
Kit Includes: Handouts with provided laces.


Lace is one of the most elegant fabrics you can choose. Depending on the lace, it can be delicate or substantial, flowery or modern, dressy or casual. It tends to be expensive and intimidating to sew. In this class, we will explore types of lace and best methods to handle them.

Most fabrics tend to be joined with a plain seam: place wrong sides together, stitch and press the seam open. With lace there are many more options. We will examine suitable seams for lace, when, where and how to use those techniques. We will also play with various lining/underlining materials and see how the choice of under fabrics can play a large part in the final effect of your lace garment.

Many lace fabrics are woven with a mirrored design. This enables you to place the motifs so the right and left sides of the garment are mirror images of each other. We will examine lace yardage and learn how to find and arrange the motifs plus vertical vs. horizontal layouts.

Edge finishes are another element to elevate your lace garment to couture quality. Rather than simply turning the raw edge under with a facing, lace lends itself to more interesting ways of dealing with a hem, neck or armscye. The scalloped edge can be cut as the edge finish; some laces have eyelash edging which can be used in a variety of ways. We’ll explore lace applique, layering laces and creating matching trim on an embroidery machine.

You will receive a sample pack of various laces along with underlayment fabrics. Your pack will have inexpensive to very high couture quality laces plus a variety of backing fabrics. You will also be able to examine a collection of completed lace garments which utilize the techniques we will be exploring.

Supplies Needed: General Sewing Supplies.

Shape Up Your Darts!

Presenter: Barbie McCormick

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $5
Kit Includes: Handouts


The correct shape and placement of darts can make a huge difference in the fit of any garment. Fit variations such as sway back, high hips, rounded shoulders, full busts, etc can be EASILY accommodated just by shifting and shaping a dart! Class will include many samples of figure variations, and the simple dart adjustments to accommodate them. All dart adjustments can be easily done in the initial pattern draft, and many can be adjusted for RTW alterations!

Supplies Needed: Paper scissors, scotch tape and note taking supplies

Baby Bump or Full Hip Bridal or Formal Wear Alteration

Presenter: Brenda Breitenmoser

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: Intermediate

Kit Fee: $20
Kit Includes: Printed materials with step by step instructions on how to alter a dress.


In this class we will go over how to alter a dress to fit over a baby bump or add extra room for the full hip client using Brenda's unique method. She will demonstrate her method on different gown silhouettes, and will cover what silhouettes her method won't work on and how she would approach this challenge. 

Supplies Needed: Note taking supplies.

You are your greatest asset: Why self care should be a focus in running your business

Presenter: Krista Gorrell

Half Day AM - Lecture/demo with hands-on workshop
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


You are the most important tool and asset in your business. And just as we take care to clean and oil our sewing machines, you need care and attention too. This class will cover a variety of ways to take care of you with the goal of increasing your productivity, including sleep, nutrition, movement, stretching and mindfulness techniques. This is an interactive class, we will be practicing the techniques covered in class. Please come to class with an open mind and ready to try. This class is for bodies of all shapes, sizes and abilities, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Supplies Needed: None.

Build from Within! Selecting the Right Interfacings!

Presenter: Barbie McCormick

Half Day PM- Lecture/demo with show and tell
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $20
Kit Includes: Printed handouts with instructions and tips. Samples of interfacings, sources.


For a garment to look great on the outside, it must have the right support on the inside!

This class will cover all sorts of interfacings; where and how to use them, which ones work best for what fabrics, and options for layering, strengthening, or softening interfacings!

Both fusible and sew-in options will be shown, handled, and discussed. Methods for using either or both, and a number of pairings to tailor the amount of support specifically to fit your needs! Various combinations of interfacings and fabrics will be shown for samples.

Supplies Needed: Note taking supplies.

Planning Garment Ease for a Collection

Presenter: Anne Kuehn

Half Day PM - Lecture only
Difficulty: Intermediate

Kit Fee: $15.45
Kit Includes: Fabric swatches of different thicknesses. Handouts


Garment ease is something that we often add to patterns as a number that we have been taught to add as the standard amount for a certain application. Why do we add this amount? Where does it come from? What about large sizes and very small sizes? And how does this affect the other garments in a collection?

Come and learn how to calculate garment ease and how the distance of the fabric from the body and the thickness of the fabrics we use affect the outfits we put together. Especially when it comes to planning outerwear. When planning a collection it helps to be able to see all garments at once and how they will fit together.

Supplies Needed: Pen and note paper to take notes, Scientific Calculator (if you have one, optional).

Coach your way to an expanded client base

Presenter: Rae R. Cumbie

Half Day PM - Lecture only
Difficulty: All levels

Kit Fee: $0


Energize your business plan by guiding sewing and fiber enthusiasts to sew their own clothes. Many women who have found their creative energy in the quilting, weaving and heirloom communities are interested in sewing their own clothes. Young women are eager to develop sustainable wardrobes through sewing. They are frustrated with the fit and quality of ready to wear but need a guide into the modern sewing world. You can assist them with choosing and creating patterns that fit and finding the right tools, fabrics, interfacing and techniques for a successful garment sewing experience. Learn where to find these potential students and clients and discover important information about their sewing habits.

Supplies Needed: None

2885 Sanford Ave SW #19588, Grandville, MI 49418 ~ Toll-Free (877) 755-0303 

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