As you may have seen, this article about Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, IN has been making the rounds online in the last few days with a call for those with sewing knowledge to help fill the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of homemade face masks for use in case of supply shortages during the Covid-19 outbreak. There are dozens of other patterns, instructions, and articles going around as well. We're passing this information on to you for in case you are interested.
We have not been able to independently verify whether the masks are effective. Medical devices are not my area of expertise and in this time of need, different medical facilities may have different needs and requirements for these last resort masks. I am working with the information that I have to try to help you make sense of the information out there.

If you find yourself with free time, as many of us currently do as we practice social distancing to keep our communities safe, consider making masks for your local hospitals, cancer treatment centers, and other medical offices.
Contact offices in your area for details on if and how to make and deliver masks. These masks are for last resort use only, so be sure to ensure your local providers are accepting them before investing your time and materials.
CDC guidelines regarding PPE
Deaconess video on how to make a mask
Pattern for mask
German blog with instructions and pattern for mask with filter pocket
Information regarding mask materials
Additional information regarding effectiveness