How many of you have a smartphone? When I got my smartphone two years ago, the sales person said, “You won’t believe how many things you will use this for.” My thought at that time was that it was just a phone; what more could I possibly use it for? I have since become very dependent on my phone for, of course, making calls and texting—never while driving. It is invaluable for weather forecasts either locally or, when planning a trip to another location, it helps me know what to pack!
I have read books on my phone, looked up information about any possible topic, used the GPS to help me find locations I am unfamiliar with, and my entire calendar is on my phone. Of course, I will happily show you photos of my kids and grandkids stored on it! Email is readily accessible, although I must admit that I would rather use a regular computer keyboard to answer correspondence, I will give short replies via my phone. If a client would like to use a charge/debit card to take care of a payment, I can do that on my phone and send them an email or text receipt that can include a photo of the garment!
My shopping and to do lists are very handy on my phone; I no longer forget my list on the kitchen table at home. There is even a Jo-Ann’s app, so I can pull up coupons to use at the store, just in case I forgot to bring them! Searching for a local restaurant and good gas prices, listening to music, sketching a design, using the calculator, scheduling a television recording of a favorite show, setting an alarm clock, checking Facebook, checking out e-books from the library, are all uses of this phone.
If it were not for my machine embroidery, I do not think I could be quite as comfortable with technology. When I purchased my first embroidery machine, ten plus years ago, I was forced to figure out how to use a computer. I remember the days working on an embroidery design on the computer and a text box would ask me “Do you want to save?” I promptly entered yes, wondering where it went. There was a lot of trial and error learning, but I must also thank those other more tech-savvy seamstresses and embroiderers who helped me along the way. I am proud of all that I have learned about technology; it is the way of the world today.
This month the blog is dedicated to technology, in its many forms. Enjoy the information and always keep an eye open for new technology. You may be surprised how much you can use it!
Written by Teresa Nieswaag, President