As your new VP of Chapter Relations, I am seeing firsthand how much time, creativity and energy goes into maintaining all our vibrant Chapters. Kudos to all who are involved in your Chapter’s activities!
It sounds like the New England Chapter held a fun, educational and inspiring event recently. Here is Patricia Kane’s account:
“Five of us intrepid ASDP New England members braved the snow predictions to meet at the American Textile History Museum in Lowell. Rebecca, Cathie, Janee, Pat, and Penny were inspired and entertained by the exhibits on the evolution of the textile industry in the US and specifically in Lowell. Looms, carders, spinning jennys, fullers, and a cotton gin were on view, along with clothing and textiles from the 1700’s to a special exhibit on the 1960’s. This 60’s exhibit made some of us feel old, (or maybe special?), to see the styles we wore in the day now a museum exhibit...
There was much discussion among us as we toured, with everyone adding a bit of information to the mix-- always fun when we are together and sewing is somewhere in the conversation!
The snow started in earnest as we adjourned to lunch at Cobblestones, in a lovely old building just up the street. Conversation continued about gardening, the costumes of Downton Abbey, the Patriots, food allergies, and food. Off we went to home, in the now snowy and slippery streets, carefully negotiating our way. Everyone arrived home safely, though the trips were slow.
The Textile Museum deserves another visit to read the wall information in depth and to observe the looms in action when someone is there to operate them. A nice gathering to begin the year for the New England chapter of ASDP.”
Their March program: Sketching for your Fashion and Sewing Business Get inspired to start and learn how to progress in your skills so your presentation is professional and beautiful for clients.
The San Francisco Chapter is planning a sewing retreat in May and 8 members have signed up. They are happy that their Chapter is being revitalized!
For their February meeting, the Baltimore Chapter had scheduled Carey Puomo to do a presentation on the CAD design software workshop that she took recently (see her article, Page 9). Unfortunately, the meeting had to be canceled because of yet another snowstorm. So, hopefully, they will be able to hear about this some other time! The March program will be on Surface Design, in particular Shibori, presented by a guest speaker. Some future programs will be on online classes and how to do pattern alterations.
They held their annual Christmas Gala in December. One of the highlights of the evening was handing out door prizes, some of which were won at Conference because their Chapter acquired the most new members last year!
The Colorado Chapter will be having a sewing retreat from February 28 – March 3 at Peaceful Valley Ranch.
A number of Chapters held elections recently. New officers include:
Baltimore – Program Chair – Valencia James Secretary – Pat Jackson Director-at-Large (Friend) – Elaine Shire
Chicago – President – Denise Liss VPs of Education – Gini Lloyd and Susan Gerbosi Secretary – Karen Gay
Great Plains – added a new position: Vice President – Sharon VanFleet
New England – Treasurer – Cathie Ryan Secretary – Pat Kane
New Jersey – President – Jil Konopacki (will start her tenure in May)
Oregon – 1st VP (Programs) – Marsha McClintock 2nd VP (Website/Communications) – Jennifer Phillips Treasurer – Judi McKamey Secretary – Michelle Davis Education Committee Chair – Janet Walker Membership Committee Chair – Alice Knox Library – Michelle Davis
San Francisco – President – Dale Webdale
Written by Debby Spence