Since this is the first ASDP newsletter of the year, I wish all of our members a very happy and prosperous new year. A new year always brings with it the opportunity to evaluate the previous year and plan for any future changes or refined goals. I was recently reading a local periodical, “Twin Cities Business” March 2014 edition, when a highlighted quote caught my attention. Dan Ferrise, CEO of Eagan, Minnesota-based Miller Manufacturing Co., says that to stay focused his company has a straightforward, one-page business plan. “The more goals you have, the less likely you are to accomplish any of them.”
Diversity in focus of business may seem like finding a larger market, but perhaps focusing on a smaller, singular goal will work much better. Ten or more years ago my business was much more diverse until I decided I was spreading myself too thin and decided to focus on a smaller aspect of my business. The interesting thing about this was that it was not the part of my business that I was trying to market the most. I was getting more calls for custom sewing and embroidery rather than the quilting product that I was certified to teach and sell at trade shows. Since it gave me more time to commit to a smaller set of goals, I have never regretted my change in focus of my business.
ASDP has some very good help for re-evaluating a business plan, or writing up a formal business plan on the website. Take a look under the Member Center, for this information. Again, have a good new year and have fun in your businesses!
Written by Teresa Nieswaag