This year my summer kicked off with a mid May trip to South Dakota for my niece’s high school graduation. My husband and I decided to stay at a nearby state park and take a few extra days enjoying the solitude of the early camping season. I enjoyed my first cooked-over-the-fire hot dog chased with a s’more, took leisurely walks with the dogs, went bike riding, and did a bit of fishing from shore.
Although the fact there was no WiFi in the state park was at first frustrating for me, I quickly found peace in the inability to be constantly checking emails and the internet. Looking out over a serene lake at sunset made me slow my thoughts and recharge my too busy brain. The isolation was as much mental as physical, and the warming rays and lapping waves were so relaxing that I forgot about every one of my concerns, that I hadn’t yet come up with a topic for my next president’s message, laundry to fold, meals to plan, bills to pay, or even the Thread’s Challenge to work on.
Bridal and prom season can be a very hectic time of year for many in our membership. Dealing with the highly charged emotions of the bridal party with all of the time constraints placed, along with challenging fitting issues, can bring the most experienced professional to their knees! Via the ASDP discuss list, our members have helped one another through many of these challenges. I often find myself making mental notes from the discuss list for future client requests that I know I will encounter.
By the time you read this, you will have had the opportunity to read the ASDP’s 21st Annual Educational Conference “Stitched Together Through Time” registration brochure. As usual, choices in classes and activities are varied, and will keep you very busy when you attend. “Brain overload” is a term often heard in members’ conversations by the end of conference, but this too is a type of recharging relaxation from the normal routine.
I hope that you’ve carved out a little time during this fast-fleeting summer to enjoy the season’s meditative bliss. A couple more camping trips are in my plans; perhaps I will find the time for the luxury of reading a book. Although business is often on my mind, I know that Mother Nature will serve me well with relaxation and inspiration! Sit back, relax, and enjoy what our members have written in this issue of Perspectives.
Written by Teresa Nieswaag, President