The ASDP Charitable Foundation was proudly launched at the Annual Educational Conference in October. The Foundation’s Board has adopted Vision and Mission Statements that we hope will inspire ASDP members:
We envision a world where the sewing and design industry is made up of well trained, highly skilled and fairly compensated professionals whose unique skills, expertise, and workmanship are respected and valued.
Our mission is to support students pursuing education in sewing and design, educators teaching the next generation of sewing and design professionals, and to the extent permitted by IRS interpretations of charitable purpose, small manufacturers and other sewing and design entrepreneurs.
The Foundation’s status as a 501(c)3 charitable organization means that donations to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. We are grateful for the generous pro bono work of John Colombo and the extraordinary efforts of several ASDP members who worked together to obtain the Foundation’s 501(c)3 status.
The Foundation’s goals were presented at several conference events. Giving cards were distributed at conference, and Threads Magazine contributed a sewing machine that was raffled off. Over $1,000 was raised during the conference toward our lofty goals.
The Foundation’s initial funding came from approximately $3,000 that remained in the original PACC Scholarship Fund. We hope to raise enough principal, ideally $100,000, so that the Foundation can distribute at least $6,000 in interest-based grants per year to deserving students and projects. As we work to raise the principal, seeking donations from ASDP members as well as industry leaders, we will begin developing application forms and establishing guidelines for the Foundation’s distributions. Keep an eye on this newsletter for updates.
We encourage you to include the ASDP Charitable Foundation in your end-of-year giving. You may copy the form below and mail it with your check or donate online by visiting the ASDP website and clicking on the button labeled ASDP Charitable Foundation. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a letter of thanks as we work toward building a better tomorrow for all who consider the sewing and design fields their calling.

If you would be interested in working as a volunteer with the Foundation as it moves forward or would like giving cards to distribute to friends, colleagues, clients, or other foundations you think would be interested in contributing, please contact Rae Cumbie
ASDP Foundation Board of Directors: Rae Cumbie, President Tina Colombo, Treasurer Janet Blood, Secretary Robin Bolton Teresa Kipper Richanne Nicolai, Resident Agent for the State of IL Debra Utberg, ASDP President representing the ASDP Board
Written by Rae Cumbie