The New England chapter proudly launched its new website in early March, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Joyce DeLoca (VP/Business Communications) and Sue Bennett (President). Replacing an outside-managed site that needed an expensive update, our new site will be managed in-house and has been streamlined to meet the current needs of the chapter. The site lists our mission, our members with contact information and their specialties, upcoming chapter events, and members in the news.
The web address is:

Picture from the documentary website.
Members of the chapter met in Natick, Massachusetts on March 18 to view Men of the Cloth, by Vicki Vasilopoulos. A full-length film, this award-winning 2013 documentary follows three Italian master tailors as they work in their separate businesses and express their concerns about the future of their profession. The movie is touching, informative, and well made. We paid a voluntary fee to the filmmaker for permission to show her film to our Chapter members. Following the show we enjoyed light refreshments and a lively conversation about its content, a subject near and dear to all of us.
The film trailer and further information about Men of the Cloth can be found at: http://menoftheclothfilm. com.