When I first heard about the Master Sewing and Design Professional Certification, I was going to school for Fashion Design. It was there that I learned most designers don’t sew. What? I couldn’t imagine that. I love the whole process of a custom garment from sketch to pattern to sewing and creating. I decided that I would at least finish getting my Associates Degree and then go on to apply for the MSDP.
I waited until I learned when the scholarship registration opened up in the Spring of 2018 to start my journey. I wanted to develop not only more confidence in myself, but having the certification would give prospective clients more confidence in me in how I can serve them. The certification shows I mean business. I take my work seriously. I am not simply doing this as a hobby.
Between the scholarship and a sponsorship through my husband’s work, I began my journey that summer. Besides all the further learning going through this program, one of the biggest lessons that I could not have foreseen is learning to go for your dreams and goals while living life and all that it throws at you. A lot of life happened during my time going through the certification. A lot! So when I received my certification, it meant so much more than I could have even imagined.
Upon receiving the certification, at that moment, I really felt a physical movement within me. The confidence thing? The feeling of accomplishment? Perhaps both. For the ones who say you don’t need this or that to get confidence in what you are doing, I say it’s personal. For me, the MSDP certification did for me what no self-talk alone can. There needs to be some action of sorts to go along with self-talk and self-motivation.
The MSDP certification is invaluable in learning not only more about our profession, but about self-accountability, manageability, and perseverance. I still can’t believe I made it through, but I did. And since I did, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I fully support and recommend any and everyone to go through the program if they want to further their skills and be the best at what they do.